Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Summer Sewing in the Cold

This is the time of year that I start really thinking about summer.  More specifically summer clothes.  I get my drafting supplies out and start making warm weather patterns and look for inspiration for my designs.  Even though it is still cold outside, planning and time are both necessary in order to be ready by the time warmer weather gets here.

I made this basic shift dress last year and hand drew a starfish and embroidered it in pearl cotton on this wonderful stone-colored linen.  If you do not know how or want to make your own patterns, there are plenty of really great ones out there.

When you are planning your sewing, think not only about summer cuts, but also summer friendly fabrics.  Linen is one of my favorites for warm weather.  I know, I know, it wrinkles, but I feel like that also gives linen it's distinctive summer look.